Our Men’s Groups

Are you lacking passion, direction, or meaningful connection in life? Our men’s groups are for men who are ready to support and challenge each other to cultivate greater authenticity, fulfillment, and purpose in their lives. Together, we will create a space to celebrate, question, explore, and stay present with other men. A lot can happen when judgment becomes curiosity, when shame turns to compassion, and when community and accountability push back against loneliness. Powerful change can happen when we connect with and witness one another.

What are the benefits of group therapy for men? Men who join our men’s therapy groups often report a greater ability to emotionally regulate, increased ability to communicate with others, reduction in symptoms of loneliness, more hope, and a fuller understanding of their tendencies and behaviors in social settings. Group therapy for men can be a powerful tool for disrupting the behavioral patterns that lead to unhappiness. Get in touch today to schedule a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation to see if men’s group therapy could be a good fit for you.

Group details

We currently run three virtual men’s groups: Monday Evening Group (6pm - 7:30pm), Tuesday Evening Group (6:30pm - 8:00pm), Tuesday Daytime Group (10:30am - 12:00pm).

We are always recruiting new men’s groups based on interest and facilitator availability. Be in touch to learn more or to join the waitlist for new and existing groups.

90-minute virtual sessions every week on HIPAA-compliant platform

$70/session (some reduced fee spots may be available)

Complimentary 30-min phone call to determine interest and rightness of fit

Small, intimate group of 5 to 8 members

8-week initial commitment, with ability and to continue on afterward

• For questions and registration: kobi@embodiedmindnyc.com


Kobi currently runs three virtual men’s therapy groups at Embodied Mind and specializes in men’s issues. I’m present for every men’s group session, and help guide the conversation or point out group dynamics when necessary. As a therapist, I’m interested in the narratives contemporary culture tells men, and the ways in which men both internalize and reject those messages. I often witnesses the novel ways in which men adapt (and often struggle) to live authentically, compassionately, and without shame. Don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Men sitting around a campfire speaking to each other in a group therapy setting