Trauma resiliency integrative program (T.R.I.P)

The Trauma Resiliency Integrative Program is a psycho-educational series that offers individuals practical resources to cope with the lasting impacts of trauma on their mental, emotional, physical, and relational health. Program participants will grow to understand and accept how traumatic experiences or patterns may have led to current problematic behaviors. Through both theory and practice, participants will identity ways to regulate themselves that are in line with their values and goals. This educational program draws from Contemplative Psychology, DBT, Neurophysiology, and Somatic Therapy.

What can participants gain through the T.R.I.P program? Participants will develop an understanding how trauma impacts both their body and mind. In doing so, participants will also identify the function of their survival strategies and current coping mechanisms, which consequently may be perpetuating distress. By identifying and naming these mechanisms with peers, participants will reduce shame, cultivate acceptance, and create space for more intentional coping skills.

By the end of the program, participants will learn specific, mindfulness-based and somatic strategies to increase tolerance for stress and emotional dysregulation as it happens, in the moment. Each participant will develop a toolbox of creative resources to support this goal in the long term, and design a personal care plan customized to support them during distress, disconnection, and overwhelm.

Is this program right for me? The T.R.I.P program is designed for individuals who…

Have had traumatic experiences or a history of complex trauma and need or want focused, external support

Are dealing with substance use issues, other addictions, or persistent behavioral patterns or concerns

Could benefit from additional support with emotional regulation and distress tolerance

Seem stuck with traditional talk therapy because of chronic dysregulation, dissociation, or shame-based avoidance

Unsure if this is the right program for you? Feel free to reach out today to schedule a free, 30 minute consultation at

T.r.i.p Session Details

Week 1: Orientation. Introductions, setting the framework, and learning about various forms of trauma.

Week 2: The Physiology of Trauma. Provides scientific theories, such as the Triune Brain and Polyvagal theory, to understand how our problematic behaviors may have roots in biology. Participants will begin to name their own states of nervous system arousal and dysregulation.

Week 3: Window of Tolerance. Introduces the Window of Tolerance (WoT) concept as a tool to track nervous system arousal levels, and the impact of trauma on the nervous system. Participants will begin to track and map their own WoT, which will be a recurring touchpoint in future weeks.

Week 4: Survival Resources. Participants will begin reframing shame, doubt, and negative ruminations while understanding how their attitudes and behaviors of concern may have acted as survival resources.

Week 5: Creative Resources. Participants will continue exploring their survival resources, and begin to develop “creative resources” as an alternative way of regulating.

Week 6: Self Regulation. Participants will understand the difference between relation resourcing and self resourcing, and learn more practical tools for managing dysregulation.

Week 7: Review & Integration. Participants will solidify course concepts and ask clarifying questions. Participants will begin to draft their Personal Care Plan, outlining key takeaways from TRIP and the practical tools they can use in their day-to-day lives.

• Week 8: Class Closing. Participants will reflect on the program, offer feedback, and have the opportunity to share their Personal Care Plans while gaining closure on the TRIP process.

Program details

Program launching November 4, 2024.

As of October 2024, recruitment is ongoing. Space is limited.

80-minute virtual sessions every week on HIPAA-compliant platform

8 Sessions in total: Orientation, The Physiology of Trauma, Window of Tolerance, Survival Resources, Creative Resources, Self-Regulation, Review & Integration, Closing

• Included in the program are mindful, integrative post-session assignments after each week to reinforce learnings and build accountability, along with complimentary reflection/workbook materials and personalized care plan

• Complimentary 30-minute phone call to determine interest and rightness of fit

• $70 fee per session, with sliding scale options available on a case by case basis

• For questions and registration:


T.R.I.P will be facilitated by Daniel Cook, the executive clinical director of Embodied Mind NYC. Daniel is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Psychotherapist in the state of New York. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Counseling Psychology from Naropa University, specializing in Gestalt and Mindfulness based therapeutic approaches. He has further trauma and attachment training from the Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, grounding his therapeutic approach in working with body based memories in resolving traumatic experiences as well as the neurological implications of attachment and stress. Daniel is also a Certified Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapist through the Integrative Psychiatry Institute. He is an avid practitioner and teacher and contributes his contemplative practice to his capacity as therapist.